Monday, November 7, 2011

November Astrology - waiting on Uranus

Uranus goes direct on December 10th. I am ready, perhaps. I know the energy in the ethers is asking "who are you really?". I keep asking myself that very question. Preparing to live even more truth as it presents itself. I am. I read Nisargadatta to help me stay in "I am". Not climbing ladders, not dreaming of much more than the richness of the expansion of the moment. Helping my community, helping stay in calm and balance as we think for ourselves, and teach those who can hear - to open to beauty and open to change as everything shifts to black. Being myself. Who am I really? I spend a great deal of time writing this new book, outlining tools and meditations for artists to heal, to find their calling, to build a pathway to their own authenticity through the natural creative impulse that is their inner being. It is good. Who am I really? Uranus goes direct in a little more than a month. We have a few months before the first square to Pluto. I hope to willingly let go of what is not authentic, so the rug stays under my feet. Such a human response. It will be what it is. That is for sure. Who am I really? Perhaps a soul who does not need a rug under her feet? We shall see. We all shall see. Uranus goes direct in December. Perhaps the image will be of a flying saucer, or a helium balloon, or definitions of success that have worn out their welcome. I like that one. I want to be myself. I want to meditate and visualize and help awaken the creative healer in all I meet. Is that who I am really? Down deep I am Venus swimming amongst the shadows always discerning the light as a path through the depths. For what purpose? To be. To share. I am. I have decided to take on private meditation clients again - and teach groups at home how to create and meditate. It is good. Uranus goes direct and is planting early seeds.

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