Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Forge a Career in the Arts

Nice interview on Job Monkey - happy to share it. It takes more than passion and talent to forge a career as an artist. Rhonda Schaller, author of Create Your Art Career, talks about her book, her personal success in the art worlk, and the factors that make it possible to earn a living in art. Read more: Follow us: @JobMonkeyNews on Twitter | jobmonkeyjobs on Facebook

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Review in PDN Spring 2013

Nice review of my book - and mention of SVA class! Fun to share good news

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Website and Book are launched!

Well, after 2 full years of writing and editing my new book "Create Your Art Career: Practical Tools, Visualizations and Self Assessment Exercises for Empowerment and Success" has launched. I've created a website for the book It has the table of contents, and 2 brand new meditations to try, and in the reviews section - you can upload comments and images so we can form a community. Please let me know what you think! And I will let you know when the big launch party is. Thanks to everyone for your love and support. I could not have written this book if you had not been open to my ideas.