Sunday, October 31, 2010

Divinity of Beauty, Necessity of Decay

I've got the curatorial yearnings again this season.

I've decide to curate a new show for Schaller + Jaquish Art Projects. It will be an online show  "divinity of beauty, necessity of decay".

I am looking for interns and looking for artists.

interns: If you would like to help out on the show, and be mentored in curatorial processes - learn how to put a show together, curate, market, PR - let me know.

artists: As an artist, f you are interested in being put on the mailing list for a prospectus, and submit work for consideration, let me know.

And yes, you can be both.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coffee and conversation was great!

Woke up at 6:00 am and meditated to the sun rise - it was the best birthday morning.
Then met up with 7 brave souls who came out on an NYC morning at 8am (ish) to talk about art, life and share a cup of coffee and a croissant. It was sweet, a fabulous way to start the day. Just talking. Just sharing. Simple, human, connection.
Nice change from artists drinking and competing over crap. Instead of "what about me" it was "what about you".

I'm not a great photographer (or even a good one) but I wanted to share a wonderful happening- artists talking about things that mattered to them, over a cup of coffee. What could be bad?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Creatives meet for coffee and conversation on 10/22

It's a plan - join Adam Doyle ( myself for a coffee and conversation get together.

Wake up early and come to 132 West 23rd street between 8am - 9:00 am on Friday October 22nd, and meet other creatives - artists of all kinds are welcome for conversation.

You can bring a business card, or a promo card, or a smile (all three are good too). Buy a coffee and hang out and talk to people you may have never met before, and build/expand your community.

I'll bring the name tags which you can fill out when you arrive. The only requirement is that you support Madeliene's Patisserie and buy a coffee or tea.

It'll be lovely - and all are invited.

P.S. it's my birthday - 52 years around the sun, and I couldn't think of a nicer way to start the day.